What to think, or how to think – that is the question
Whether it is better for the mind to suffer
The tests and assessments of legislative order
Or to take arms against a sea of benchmarks
And by opposing end them. To read, to think -
No more – and by thinking to say we know
The objective, and the thousand uncontrolled shocks
A student is heir to. It is an institution
Devoutly based on money. To read, to think
To think –perchance to create: ay, there’s the taxonomy
For in that thought of change what laws may come
Must give us pause. There’s the content standard
That makes certainty of life-long learning
For who would bear the walk-thrus and pacings
The administrator’s tools, the proud teacher’s evaluations
The pain of testing, the score’s delay,
The proficiency of skill, and the diploma
That student merit of the repeated tasks
When he or she might their average make
With a real effort? Who would bundles bear
To text and tweet under a wired life
But that the dread of detention after school
The undiscovered potential, from whose bourn
No graduate returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those routines
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the system bright of institution
Is burdened over with the stale caste of tradition
And slogans of great pitch and mention
With this regard their citizens turn away
And lose the name of education – Soft you now,
Oh fair Society! – Nymphs, in thy profits
Be all our grades remembered.